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Letter to Deputy Premier regarding Gabba Design Plans

13 September 2022

Hon Steven Miles

Deputy Premier and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics Infrastructure

[email protected]


Dear Deputy Premier,

I write with regards to the plans being developed to rebuild the Gabba Stadium, and the lack of community consultation. 

From what I understand, architect consortiums are being asked to develop design briefs for the rebuild of the Gabba Stadium. From what I understand, these consortiums have been told that the future of East Brisbane State School does not need to be included in their design briefs.

Can you please confirm:

  • What organizations have been approached to develop design briefs for the rebuild of the Gabba Stadium?
  • What directions have been given regarding East Brisbane State School?
  • What directions have been given regarding the heritage listed buildings that share the block with the Gabba Stadium?
  • What directions have been given regarding the use of Raymond Park?
  • What cost/budget parameters have these consortiums been given?
  • What other parameters have these consortiums been given in the preparation of their briefs?
  • Why have details regarding this design tender process not been made public?

As you are aware, there has been no consultation with the local community regarding the Gabba rebuild. The community hold deep concerns that the Gabba will be demolished and rebuilt at the expense of a local state school, a local park, and broader community amenity. There are also serious concerns regarding the use of $1 billion+ of public money. When will the Palaszczuk Labor government be upfront with the community about the government’s plans for the Gabba for the 2032 Olympic Games?

Please do not hesitate to contact my office on 07 3724 9100 if you would like to discuss this matter in more detail.

Kind regards,

Amy MacMahon

Member for South Brisbane

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