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Cut Power Bills by 46%

The Greens will: 

  • End electricity privatisation in Queensland: Establish Energy Queensland as a democratic, public authority responsible for all retail, network and generation in Queensland 
  • Cut electricity bills by 46%:  Reverse Labor’s privatisation of electricity retail and stop the price gouging by state owned network and generation companies
  • Ensure cheap battery storage for every household: Establish a $1 billion household and small business battery storage rebate scheme
  • Ensure a fair price for solar: Create a fairer feed-in tariff to ensure people get a fair price for their rooftop solar

Public owned electricity system

Electricity is an essential service that should be in public hands and run as a public service, not a for-profit corporation. The Greens would transform Energy Queensland into a democratic, efficient public authority covering retail, generation and networks. Energy Queensland would be run by a board comprised of electricity workers, First Nations people, regional Queenslanders and residents from South East Queensland. 

A single public authority would be able to properly plan the transition to 100% publicly owned renewable energy creating the cheapest and most reliable energy system in Australia.


Read the full policy details here.